Harmony Health Brings a much needed extra layer of protection & support to your chosen health solution. Our bodies are electrical by design, and therefor susceptible to the electronic overwhelm now uniquely in our lives everywhere. We were never intended to endure thousands of satellites, billions of cell phone calls, SmartMeters, WiFi and Blue tooth appliances now found virtually everywhere. We alone offer our unique and much needed Harmony Health protection from this electromagnetic assault on our bodies. We also have what may be the only solution to restoring the function of cells energetically once they have shut down (sympathetic) from their functioning (parasympathetic) modes until they feel safe again. Unfortunately, no one shuts off the sources of this overwhelming electromagnetic chaos often compromising our sleep, digestion and causing fatigue throughout the day.
Quanta Water
Quanta Water provides your body with exceptional hydration when added as a catalyst to any purified drinking water, while promoting and supporting the restoration of harmonic function at the cellular level when used undiluted every 30-60 minutes for at least 30 days. In just three days sipping undiluted the body’s ability to utilize nutrition is considerably optimized, while consistently better sleep is generally optimized in as little as fifteen days. As few as 8 bottles the first month, with 16 being optimal, can make the difference between good results vs. great results.
EP2 Stress Pendant
Promote and support an optimal coherent resistance within your body to all forms of man made chaos, both electronic and emotions, your negative thoughts and those of others, around and within your body. Supports and promotes natural energy access and utilization within your body. The proprietary technology embedded into the silicon dioxide glass crystal functions as a virtual receiver and amplifier, accessing up to 93% of Nature’s highest life supportive coherent frequencies found naturally in our environment. Each body is able to select those harmonic frequencies that make up an individual’s unique coherent energy field protecting the body from energy chaos. These harmonic left electron spinning harmonics are universally suppressed by the overwhelm of man’s 10,000 plus satellites, billions of cell phones, and all sources of electromagnetic chaos, no longer providing the level of support needed for the cells to protect themselves from natural environmental chaos. Cellular shutdown is the result When used with or following the use of Quanta Water, the EP2 Stress Pendant minimizes the potential compromise of sleep, fatigue, digestion and virtually all body response to quality nutritional support. An essential part of life today for the entire family.
EMR Patch
Provide yourself with protection from potentially harmful EMR radiation that emits from your cell phone, Bluetooth earpiece, or Laptop and tablet with the Harmony Health EMR Patch. Now, more than ever, we are faced with a need for protection from Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR). Designed to help minimize your exposure to any amount of radiation the brain and the body is exposed to during cell phone, Bluetooth earpiece or computer use. Studies have shown significant changes in brain activity when using a cell phone. The Harmony Health EMR Patch helps to minimize this change, providing protection for up to 20 months. Dimensions: 3cm X 2cm
Harmony Drops
Promotes and supports the clearing of stagnant energies accumulating daily around organ function within the body. These Stagnant energies can block efficient organ function and response. Just a single drop on the back of the hand 2-4 times a day can keep the body clear of these stagnant energies that accumulate throughout each day. 2-3 drops in a glass or bottle of purified water can increase hydration from an average of 20-30% to over 95% intracellularly when added. The abundance of electron energy can potentially minimize free radical activity as well, offering smoother taste to hot or cold beverages. May be used in place of Quanta Water when necessary, such as travel.